Sunday, July 27, 2008

Keep low expectations, so you're not dissapointed.

Why not keep high expectations so everyone is left raising the bar?

I don't know if it's how I was raised, but my family never expected little of me. The highest of expectations were always demanded and only for valid reasons. Mainly to survive in the real world where I could not only be a well functioning human being amongst the rest, but be liked as well.

Be smart, be appreciative, be honest, generous, kind, sincere, loving, energetic, funny, and fun. Have integrity, compassion, strength, and patience.

Do I expect you to believe I posess all of these qualities on a day to day basis? NO! And I don't. We're all sinners. No one is perfect. We have weak moments where we're not quite what we would like to be.

But why expect less as to not be dissapointed?

If we expect little we're telling people 'No need to be the best version of yourself' or 'Do the minimal to get by'.

While I may not exemplify the best qualities every moment of every day I do have high standards set for myself and for others around me:

-Try to relate.
-Offer productive advice.
-Lend a helping hand.
-Throw a card out to express gratitude.
-Tell those around you that you love them.
-Be honest in any and all situations possible.
-At least at one point during every day laugh about SOMETHING.
-Have morals.
-Have respect for self and others.

I guess I just don't understand why expecting less would get anyone anywhere. We should demand for people to be the best they can be. Force our adults and our youth to live up to higher standards. I feel I have said too often lately that the human race is causing me to shake my head. I don't feel like I'm always looking for 'wow factor', but just for people to be decent...will we continue to do only what's necessary to stay under the radar? Or will we offer something up a little more?


jessicaap1108 said...

Well said. I miss you so very much. I miss our dinners, intellectual conversations and wine. :) I like that you are a 'blogger' now... mainly because I sincerely believe that we tend to think the same about many situations.
Love you girl. You're amazing. :)

AshleyCD said...

I always enjoyed those dinners! We do think very similar and it's nice to have someone you can relate too. Especially on important topics!