Sunday, August 3, 2008

Public Service Announcement: Traffic

How I wish we could have a public service announcement to remind all SLOW people in the PASSING lane to MOVE OVER!

It drives me absolutely crazy, whether I'm in a hurry or not, that people go the speed limit or under in the passing lane. What bothers me even worse is as people angrily speed around them and swerve in front of them they still have no clue that they are being a nuisance.

One thing that amuses me as much as it annoys me, rubber neckers.

It's like you could be stuck in hours of traffic because of an accident. You're sitting in the car thinking, "I know this is because people are driving by SO SLOW to see what happened." You think this the whole time, until, you approach the accident and do the same thing, lol. At that point you're probably thinking, "Well I waited two freaking hours I might as well see for myself." Haha.

Short blog, silly topic, but something that crosses my mind often. I hope this reaches all the slow left lane drivers and accident on lookers;)

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